Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Guild Bank Character

Pleased to announce that our very own MaKan Guild Bank Character is created!

With 0% Interest rates and 0% returns, no other bank is as PRO!!!

Character Name: Makanvault
Owner of Character: Naan
Character Rank: Quartermaster

Let's see what's in our guild bank ^-^

- To store BOE set item pieces for upcoming 60s.
- To store profession mats of all levels.
- To collect all gold donations for kick starting new guild members.

Fellow Guildies are expected to be mature enough to not abuse this bank. As and when i can, i'll post updates on the main stuffs in the bank so see anything you really need, send me a tell or Mail me ingame to request for it.

Disclaimer: Donations(item or gold) will not earn you any special priviliges so do not expect anything in return when doing so. Donate only when you have spares and wish to help out our guildies.


ugene said...

for crafting materials, can we state what is eligible for donation?
Or set different characters to keep different mats?

etc. just a suggestion .. or we can dump everything in get sorted there?

lcpteck said...

Good idea,

I will sort them out from makanvault as it will still be the main bank. The sub banks will be created when necessary.

lcpteck said...

Please request items from the appropriate bank. If an item is not available, they are available on request and will be made on availability.

Following Banks are in place:

Equipment + Class Sets + turn ins

Related to blacksmith and engineering

Related to leatherworking

Related to herbs and alchemy

General mats

Related to tailoring

Reserve potions