Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lame Things to do in WoW Episode #01

I was initially apprehensive about contributing to this blog.(Not Wow-pro enuff!?) However, my talkalot nature just refuse to let me tiam tiam. So here I am, sharing in my first episode of "Lame things to do in WoW" series.

I figure out that on days of idle, my surfing brought me to uncharted dark sleasy corners of the net, these places charge you for getting access to their exploits, tips, full-featured maps, bots of all kinds and anything Blizzard dislikes. I found nuggets of info which may have been so "over" or "outdated" but perhaps would be nice to share. Here's the first instalment....

COD Gold Spinners - sound kind of like "Magic stone" con job, but if done in a tasteful manner, might really give u some spare gold. Easy to do, get a list of level 60s names, buy fishing rods, flowers, food, anything thats cheap and wrapped them in boxes. Send it to your name list with nice sounding messages like "a pleasant surprise awaits you... all for just 1 gold" or "I'm sure 1gold is a small price to pay for your curiousity..." . Set the mail to COD for 1 ~ 5 g. You will get a success rate of around 50%. (1g to level 60s, mo man tai ge la...)

HOWEVER, always use alternate chars, you dun wanna ur main to get chao mie (smelly name). NEVER say "This is what you order...!" or "Best epic fish rod!" or anything that says "SCAM"

The key here is "Be sincere!", you are not scamming, only asking for a trade-in for curiosity. They did get something, dun they?

WARNING, 72 hours suspensions have been given before....

A.H PRICE WAR - actually , this can be done even if in the real world....
put something good on the AH (blue and above), say worth 200g on market. Mark it up to 350g. Then advertise on Trade aggressively, "WTS Meepoktah's Underwear, 350g only, AH". Do it like for 10 minutes. Then, login with another character and advertise aggressively again "WTB Meepoktah's Underwear, willing to pay 450g, negotiable" . Some greedy buggers who have seen your earlier advertisement would "steam" now and /w you to offer it to you for 450g or lower. Pretend to negotiate it down.. to like 420g and agree on it. The greedy bugger will then go to the AH and buy my underwear for 350g (buyout), thinking that he can sell it to you for 420g, 70g PROFIT!!! Stay around until you know that the auction is sold. Then, log-off, decline the trade, saying that you have a better offer. YOU JUST SOLD YOUR ITEM for 150g more than the market price.

IMHO, I dun think this is a scam, it's purely trade. If it's done with 2 WoW accounts, it's lagi more legal.


Anyway, these are just nonsensical think-abouts I've read on the net. If you have spare WoW accounts to try, do it at your own risks..!!

Meepoktah... out!!


ugene said...

champion, like that also can ah. ... :p

Rara said...

MPT, it only took me the first 1 line or so of your post to guess that it was you =P

ugene said...

wahaha ;p