Friday, May 05, 2006

The legendary heroes of MaKaN

I present to you, the heroes of MaKan, who completed the
legendary mission impossible - codename Strat 45

In no exact order,
Chengteng (combat rogue)
Prata (fire mage)

Babyzmerlin (protection warrior)
Lohmee (dps hunter)
Naan (holy priest)

3 cheers for MaKaN, hip hip hurray, hip hip HURRAY, hip HIP HURRAY~~!


lcpteck said...

And the thing is this is our first run for Friday night. Thursday morning we did 2 runs hehe. So basially we completed in our 3rd attempt.. awesome!!!

lcpteck said...

Thursday night i mean..

wei2yu said...
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wei2yu said...

we rox..! makan ftw! and naan is damn pro in conserving mana and healing efficiently liao..! hehe.. and our suicide aoe-er..! and loh bak can tank better! lol hahah.. and baby is the ultimate tanker lol

lcpteck said...

And the best part was no wipes or deaths!!! woohoo!!! We can now run the rest of the guys when they need it hehe.

ugene said...

Yes I need it, but our main tank baby dunno have time or not, he very busy with hunter, rogue and diablo2. :(