Monday, July 16, 2007

only Mr Sprite and Banebane is alive..

I told most of them, MaKaN's raiding spirit just came back and we definitely proved that further by killing Terestian Illhoof tonight!

3 more cheers for MaKaN! You guys rock! Only 2 more bosses left and we will be officially Karazhan-ed! Mr Sprite and Banebane.. WATCH OUT! Coz we're aiming your asses! =P

Terestian Illhoof - The satyr who likes to play SM with his chains
Aromir - Priest
Bloodyshirox - Paladin
Demonplus - Warlock
Gillahsa - Mage
Hadas - Priest
Kayatoast - Warrior
Mordanne - Warrior
Takoyaki - Druid
Wantonmee - Hunter
Winnae - Mage

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