Sunday, October 01, 2006

pictures of the weekend

Our first try at Kormok using EZMODE =P

The beech of ZG

The raid @ Hakkar. Current record 25%. Next week it's going down! =D


Anonymous said...

Picture 1. Why post a pic where most of us are kissing the floor. LOL.

Picture 3 Why take a picture of everyone's backside, especially Gubarro's who is so bloody huge? LOL.

- Hadas the Handsome

lcpteck said...

Tried Kormok the other day with thorpey and the guys, so much easier now. Let's get some quick phat loot from him before Blizzard fixes it. There's a decent defense Ring for the warriors we can gear them up for.

grandrake said...

Defense ring? Hmmm..... :D