Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Forum registration

Dear guildies,

Thanks to the effort of Meehoon, our forum is up. However, I need everyone to register an account under your ingame nick there first. I will need to do some administrative changes before I officially open the forum for usage.



lcpteck said...

I can't seem to register, cause i can't see the confirmation code. Doesn't seem to display.

grandrake said...

woot, thanks for setting this up. now can finally form a group before even entering the game, especially for doing common quests. kamsiamidashimashita!

Meehoon said...

Naan, are you still unable to signup? Which browser do you use? Try IE?

Also setting up a raid planner and raid points thingy, hope to be able to have an online raid signups ready for the guild soon =P

Thanks Naan, you selected a great vent and web host. Setup and configurations are so fluent =D