Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Makan UBRS run - 26th April '06

I know it's a little late but those who are free today, make yourself available at 10pm. We have a UBRS run! =D

Edit: The run went well, CT got Nightbrace Tunic(FR gear), Pisang got Finkle's Skinner and Babyz got a Painweaver band. 3 Cheers for Makan and Circle of Kakis!


ugene said...

nice, did they get anything?! .. later next time they dunt run with us :D

BTW: whom from makan went? and how was the ubrs run how far did you guys ran till?

Drak? beast?

Meehoon said...

Wiped once after Beast.

Drak Down =) Sadly among all the dungeon chest pieces, a Dreadmist Robe was dropped, where we have every other classes except Warlock. Grrrr ... so a mage took it.