Monday, July 30, 2007

BBQ gathering at Beef's place!

Artistic group photo by Meehoon (Shot 1)

Artistic group photo by Meehoon (Shot 2)

The only owl in the guild, Takoyaki

Beefcurry, Tarantular, Wantonmee, Lohmee

Kiiz, Gillahsa, Pepperlunch, Maicha, Winnae and their conjured food and water!

The bubble gang, Bloodyshirox and Curry

Tinkyo, Aromir, Meehoon saying their prayers

Mr.Wiggles, Ssunsett, Chengteng, Morgayne

Chinzmerlin, Beefchop, Tarantino, Pisang with their totems on the floor!

Happy shadow priest, Tinkyyo

Cute warlocks, Demonplus & Warlockx =P

The Cows, Mordanne, Sorensturm, Xavilee, Warriorx, Niebelung

The Nieb brothers

Healers gather!

Warning: Number 7 is normally found fishing and will not respond to whispers.

MaKaN raids.. everywhere

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Makan Times!

Makan Times Issue 1

Makan Times Issue 2

Makan Times Issue 3

Credits goes fully to Tinky! She's my talented troll priest! =P

Monday, July 16, 2007

only Mr Sprite and Banebane is alive..

I told most of them, MaKaN's raiding spirit just came back and we definitely proved that further by killing Terestian Illhoof tonight!

3 more cheers for MaKaN! You guys rock! Only 2 more bosses left and we will be officially Karazhan-ed! Mr Sprite and Banebane.. WATCH OUT! Coz we're aiming your asses! =P

Terestian Illhoof - The satyr who likes to play SM with his chains
Aromir - Priest
Bloodyshirox - Paladin
Demonplus - Warlock
Gillahsa - Mage
Hadas - Priest
Kayatoast - Warrior
Mordanne - Warrior
Takoyaki - Druid
Wantonmee - Hunter
Winnae - Mage

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A weekend of PWNage!!

This has been a huge achievement for us since some time but.. Prince and Aran is FINALLY DEAD!!!

3 cheers for MaKaN!! Now we just have to say "Hi" to Netherspite, Terestian Illhoof and Nightbane and bid them farewell too hahaha! =P

The Crusaders of MaKaN.. line up! (In Alphabetical order)

Prince Malchezaar - Ugly big guy with infernals
Bloodyshirox - Paladin
Demonplus - Warlock
Gillahsa - Mage
Hadas - Priest
Morgayne - Rogue
Naan - Priest
Takoyaki - Druid
Tinkyyo - Priest
Wantonmee - Hunter
Xavilee - Warrior

Shade of Aran - Stupid old thirsty man with four water elementals
Aromir - Priest
Bloodyshirox - Paladin
Demonplus - Warlock
Hadas - Priest
Kayatoast - Warrior
Maicha - Mage
Takoyaki - Druid
Tinkyyo - Priest
Wantonmee - Hunter
Warriorx - Warrior

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Leshrec and Gretel's Farewell dinner!

We dedicate this post to one of the guild's favourite mages, presenting to you..


Back from retirement.. I mean the camera =P

Ssunsett, Gretel and the magical finger of... Tinkyyo!

Jess & Curry and the candid "passerby".. Tinkyyo!

Ssunsett and Gretel with their fruity drinks!

The owl.. drinks during daytime and sleeps during night..

Naan loves sausages but Naan was not there =(

German salad, with prawns, tuna and of course.. veggies!

The german sauces, applicable to all taste buds!

Sinful.. fried food are good for health! =X

You've seen Charlies' Angel. This is.. MaKaN Angels! They kick, bite, claw and whatever they need to.. to get their BFs off the keyboard =P

Longan, Tako, Curry, Jess -> I can't think of anything to write, the picture looks so.. normal =/

Do all taurens not smile? Undeads are way cooler =P