Friday, December 21, 2007

Sandy Claws Raid at Giiz Castle!

I believe everyone had fun at Sandy Claws Raid yesterday at Giiz Castle. For those who couldn't make it, see what you've missed! Here's an early Merry Xmas wishing from the guild. For MaKan!! :)

P.S. Chacha and Kaya we still love you guys. Don't be sad k? Haha :P

Monday, September 03, 2007

MaKan officially clears Karazhan

On 3rd September, a group of MaKanians venture into Karazhan to face their nemesis since the "Prince", Nightbane is what this undead fiery dragon called. Or rather Banebane which MaKan calls it. After a few wipes and Aro's "Wa Buey Gam Wan, Lai One More Try!" which means "I not happy, Come one more try!", and Demonplus' unexpected aggro pull to a computer freezing sequence at 4% health that almost gave all the raiders a heart attack, I present to you.. the Dragon Slayers (In alphabetic order)

Demonplus (dead)

CT wasn't too happy he was left out dead (while he was restarting his computer) in the previous picture so he decided to take one by himself, with full view of Banebane =P

Also, we bring you a special mention of the day. We received complains and PSTs from the guards in Shattrah City that Thorpey, our pink-shirt underwear-dancing orc might be a spy from Alliance. Image taken by our stealthy reporter Ssunsett.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Only Banebane lives...

After a few sore wipes and getting used to the rotation of the beams, Mr Sprite is finally down!! The only dragon that is still alive.. is Banebane.. but soon we will get him too =P

Monday, July 30, 2007

BBQ gathering at Beef's place!

Artistic group photo by Meehoon (Shot 1)

Artistic group photo by Meehoon (Shot 2)

The only owl in the guild, Takoyaki

Beefcurry, Tarantular, Wantonmee, Lohmee

Kiiz, Gillahsa, Pepperlunch, Maicha, Winnae and their conjured food and water!

The bubble gang, Bloodyshirox and Curry

Tinkyo, Aromir, Meehoon saying their prayers

Mr.Wiggles, Ssunsett, Chengteng, Morgayne

Chinzmerlin, Beefchop, Tarantino, Pisang with their totems on the floor!

Happy shadow priest, Tinkyyo

Cute warlocks, Demonplus & Warlockx =P

The Cows, Mordanne, Sorensturm, Xavilee, Warriorx, Niebelung

The Nieb brothers

Healers gather!

Warning: Number 7 is normally found fishing and will not respond to whispers.

MaKaN raids.. everywhere

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Makan Times!

Makan Times Issue 1

Makan Times Issue 2

Makan Times Issue 3

Credits goes fully to Tinky! She's my talented troll priest! =P